Abbots Langley School Association (ALSA) work tirelessly to support the school in many ways.  They organise School Fetes, Quiz Nights, Christmas Pudding Evenings and many more fun events.

The money they raise supports the school by allowing us to purchase ‘additional items’ that we might not normally be able to afford.  During the last year ALSA has bought the school many items including a playhouse for the Nursery, reading books, number rugs, extensive maths resources and a wildlife camera.  ALSA has also supported many trips and workshops across the school, as well as funding the Christmas panto for the children.

We invite all parents to be part of ALSA and if you can help in any way, we will be very happy to hear from you.  Please have a look at ALSA’s events site:

You can also contact ALSA by emailing: